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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Installing Instiki on Mac OS X

Instiki is a Wiki clone written in Ruby and Rails. In the spectrum of wiki software, it is relatively simple with a correspondingly clean interface, unlike the default mediawiki pages. It is not perfect but if you need to get a wiki up and running quickly it may be just what you need.

The instiki pages suggest that installation is trivial, but that is a little misleading. Here are the steps needed to get it up and running on a Mac OS X 10.4.

It assumes that you have Ruby and MySQL already installed and that you have at least a passing familiarity with Rails applications.

1: Download the instiki package from: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=186&release_id=10014
The version current at the time of writing is instiki-0.11.pl1.tgz

2: Unpack the .tgz file
Use the default 'Archive Utility' or use tar on the command line. Be aware of this weird gotcha that I encountered with StuffitExpander.

3: Create the database in MySQL
The database name is not critical.
# mysqladmin -u root -p create instiki_production

4: Edit config/database.yml in the instiki directory
Replace the existing 'production' database definition with this:
adapter: mysql
database: instiki_production
username: root
password: xxxxx
host: localhost
# socket: /path/to/your/mysql.sock

Add your own password, and don't worry about the socket line unless you are on Linux.

5: Install the database tables
This is a Rails command that creates all the right tables and sets up some other configuration settings:
# rake environment RAILS_ENV=production migrate

6: Start the Instiki Server

# ./instiki

This will fire up the Webrick web server built into Rails and bind the Instiki to port 2500 on the local machine. Point your browser (on that machine) to this URL:

You should see a setup web page.

7: Configure the Wiki

In the setup page, enter the name of the wiki and the address (by which they mean the subdirectory on this site that will form the root of the wiki), and enter an administrator password.

It will return a home page with a text area into which you can enter the content of the page. Look at the hints on that page and on the Instiki project site for help on the formatting shortcuts.

You will notice the absence of any button or link that adds a new page. The way you do this in Instiki is to enter the name for that page in the parent page and surround it in double square brackets, like this:
[[Another Page]]
When you submit this page, you will see the text 'Another Page' with
a question mark next to it. Click on that to add content to the new page. That can be a little confusing until you get used to it.

With the Home Page in place, do some other setup by clicking 'Edit Web' on that page. Here you can fine tune some of the default styling, you can setup password protection for the entire site and, importantly, you can configure the site to publish a read-only version of itself in parallel to the one that you are editing. This feature can be very useful if you want to block changes to a public site or if you want to use Instiki as a simple Content Management System for a static web site.

If you opt for publishing the read-only version you can then access the two versions from similar but distinct URLs.

The URL for the regular home page looks like this (for a wiki called 'mysite')

The published (read-only) version can be found at

Note you will get Rails errors if you try to access

That had me confused for quite a while when I was testing if my installation was working.

8: Make your instiki available on the Internet

The default configuration for instiki runs on localhost at port 2500. If you want to run it as the sole public web server on your host you could change those two parameters in the installation (file script/server) or when you start instiki.
# ./instiki -b -p 80

But a more likely scenario is that you want to add the wiki to an existing web site. Running instiki directly on a web server other than Webrick is non-trivial so your best bet is to configure your regular web server to proxy wiki requests that it receives to the instiki server.

This fairly straightforward but does involve some server configuration directives.

In this example, the main web site is called 'mysite.com' and the wiki name is 'mysite'. I want the wiki to accessed by urls like http://mysite.com/subdir/HomePage

I modified the following from this page at instiki.org

If your main web server is Apache then you want a configuration something like this, using the ProxyPass directives:
ServerName mysite.com
ServerAlias www.mysite.com
ProxyPass /subdir/ http://localhost:2500/mysite/published/
ProxyPassReverse /subdir/ http://localhost:2500/mysite/published/

If you are using lighttpd as your server, which is common in the Rails world, then things are a little cryptic and look like this:

$HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)mysite.com$" {
server.document-root = basedir + "/web/mysite.com/html/"

# Rewrite the URL *before* entering the HTTP["url"] block
url.rewrite_once = ("^/subdir/(.*)$" => "/mysite/published/$1" )

# pass any /mysite/ urls to instiki on port 2500
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/mysite/published/\S+" {
proxy.server = ( "" => (
( "host" => "", "port" => 2500),
), )

What this does is to rewrite any input URL that include /subdir to point to /mysite/published and then to pass those on to the instiki web server.

Note that your must have mod_proxy added to your module list for this to work.
server.modules = ("mod_rewrite", "mod_fastcgi", "mod_accesslog", "mod_proxy")
Also note that you need to specify the proxy host as an IP address, not a hostname.

Restart the server and then http://mysite.com/subdir/HomePage will be passed to the instiki server as http://localhost:2500/mysite/published/HomePage

Be careful how you set up the regular expressions. Make sure that you can't mess with the URL and get the editable pages by mistake (unless you want to allow access to those). Also be aware that instiki will give cryptic Rails error dumps if you enter invalid or truncated URLs and that may confuse your users.

9: Set up instiki to run automatically
On Mac OS X you need to create a file under /Library/LaunchDaemons in Apple's plist format.
This should look something like this (here the instiki startup script is located at /Users/mysite/instiki/instiki).

<plist version="1.0">

Call your file net.instiki.plist and then reboot your machine. Assuming your web server starts up in a similar fashion, you should be able to go to your main site URL and then to the wiki link, whereupon you'll see the published version of the wiki.

10: Outstanding issues
From this point you are on your own in terms of creating your content, pages and styles. Refer to the instiki.org site for help with that.

Currently the WEBrick web server is hardwired into the instiki code. This works fine but under heavy load this would not be acceptable. Being able to replace it with lighttpd or mongrel, like you do with regular Rails applications, would solve the problem but for now you'd have to hack instiki to get this.

Thanks and acknowledgements

Instiki was created by David Heinemeier Hansson and further developed by Alexey Verkhovsky, Matthias Tarasiewicz and Michal Wlodkowski. I thank them all for their work!

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